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Tony Hanseder Author Bio

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About Tony Hanseder

The First Flight: An Unforgettable Journey

Tony took his first flight at 15, where he landed in Reykjavik, Iceland, intoxicated (for the first time too) after ‘trying’ too many complimentary cognacs. Upon graduating university, Tony began working as an engineer in the development of flight simulators, which sparked a lifetime passion for all things aviation. As an aviation aficionado and a 1-Million Mile Flier on multiple airlines, Tony’s knowledge and experience as an industry insider and well-heeled traveler brings unique perspectives to iFly’s 40 million visitors.

Author Tony Hanseder near Bagan Myanmar

Adventures on Two Wheels: Motorcycle Travels

Aside from the 100+ countries (and hundreds of airports) Tony has traveled to and through, his biggest passion is for the experiences unique to motorcycle travel. He has ventured on multi-week 2-wheel trips through the western US states, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, and now Italy (where he lives with his wife).

To, Through, and Between Airports:

In 2006, after reaching the apex of his professional career, Tony decided to escape the corporate world and purchased the fledgling Since then, Tony has been a driving member of the team. As a top resource for travel information, draws over a million visitors each month, offering detailed data on numerous airports worldwide. This includes updates on flights and airports, directions, maps of terminals, parking tips, ideas for layovers, and expected security wait times. was launched to address the lack of reliable information that many air travelers experience, providing a one-stop solution for navigating airports with ease. Red Cirrus, LLC, the company behind, operates out of New York and Milan and has established as a vital tool for both business and leisure travelers.

Education and Career

Tony has earned both a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA, and had a very successful career in Silicon Valley, first at NASA, then later serving as VP of Product for Fortune 500 companies as well as small startups.

Home Away from Home

After living in New York and California both for 25 years, Tony now lives north of Milan, Italy, with his wife, who is also a passionate and experienced world traveler, and conveniently happens to speak 5 languages fluently.

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