Baton Rouge Airport Parking Rates & Information
Looking for the perfect parking spot at Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport
There are 3 main parking areas at Baton Rouge Airport:
- BTR Garage Parking
- BTR Economy Parking
- BTR Disabled Veteran Parking
You will find Baton Rouge Airport parking a smooth experience. With a faster terminal-front parking and faster security clearance that leads to less time getting to the airport and significantly reduced waiting time. Recently, BTR was ranked among the top 5 small-hub airports in the country for “ease of accessing parking.” So, when it comes to BTR Airport parking, you can expect it to be a hassle-free experience.
Baton Rouge Airport parking rates can vary depending on the lot and duration, so please check for specific rates below.
BTR Off-Airport Parking

Garage Parking
Location: At airport, in front of the terminal
Type: Garage
To Terminals: Walking distance
BTR Garage parking is $12 daily with covered parking spaces. It is conveniently located on the first two levels and uncovered at the top level.
Garage Parking Rates
$12.00 per day (24 hours)
$1.00 per 1/2 hour or portion thereof
Economy Parking
Location: At airport, in front of the terminal
Type: Lot
To Terminals: Walking distance
The economy parking lot is just a 700 feet walk away from the terminal building. The economy lot has a limited number of covered spaces available in it.
Economy Parking Rates
$9.00 per day (24 hours)
$2.00 per hour or portion thereof
Disabled Veteran Parking
Location: At airport, in front of the terminal
Type: Lot
To Terminals: Walking distance
A disabled veteran is authorized to park that is available for free for up to ten days. The customary fee applies for each day parked at the Airport for more than ten days. For BTR disabled veteran parking, the disabled veteran must show his/her disabled veteran identification card. The card must be issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
Moreover, the disabled veteran must present his/her airline issued ticket or itinerary showing days of travel covering the parking. In addition, te disabled veteran must print and sign the air ticket.
BTR Airport Parking - Emergency Services
BTR airport offers numerous emergency services that are open to all airport parking passengers. These include jump starting the battery, changing or inflating tires, locating lost vehicles, as well as providing vehicle escort and dispatch services.
Tips, Help & Resources
Once you have selected the best parking option for you, check out these tips that can assist you during your journey through the airport:
- Be aware of how long you might need to need to wait at the security checkpoint in your terminal.
- Need some wheels to cart around all of your checked luggage? The airport provides assistance (and saves you effort). Baggage carts are located near the baggage carousels.
- If you have some time before your flight departs BTR, get a coffee, have a sit-down meal, or walk the shops within the terminals. You never know what treat or souvenir you might discover!
- Waiting for a passenger to arrive? To see where the plane is and which terminal it will deplane, use the flight tracker.
Find more help here for your journey through the airport