If you have some time before your flight's departure from TXL, be sure to grab a bite, peruse the shops, or jump on the free wifi and get caught up on those emails.
Currently, there are no commercial airlines operating at this airport. It serves primarily for general aviation and other non-commercial aviation activities.
Since no commercial airlines serve this airport, travelers looking to visit this area might consider nearby airports with commercial service. Ground transportation can then be used to reach this destination.
Yes, private and charter flights are welcome. The airport is equipped to accommodate a variety of general aviation needs, including private jets and charter services.
The airport boasts a range of facilities for general aviation, including fueling services, hangar space, and ground support for private and charter aircraft.
For detailed information on flying into the airport with a private aircraft, including landing fees, operational hours, and services offered, it's best to contact the airport's administration directly.
Yes, despite the absence of commercial airlines, the airport offers several ground transportation options, including car rentals, taxi services, and sometimes shuttle services, to help travelers reach their final destinations.
Find more help here for your journey through the airport