Picking Up/Dropping Off Passengers
(a) Picking Up Passengers: arriving passengers can be metat the Rendez-Vous Meeting Point on the Arrivals Level. Meter parking is forstops of 20 minutes or less--for each 10 mins $1. A change dispenser isavailable. Use the Parkade if you expect to be in the terminal for longer thana few minutes.
(b) Dropping off passengers: Departing passengers can bedropped off at curbside on the Departures Level. This area is for activeunloading only--do not leave your vehicle unattended. Use the Parkade if youwish to escort a passenger into the terminal.
Parking Options and Fees: (Fees are quoted in CanadianDollars, taxes included, and are subject to change.)
Value Park - Economy Lot Parking: - the most economicalparking with a free shuttle bus to the airport terminal. It offers (a) theconvenience of paying in the terminal at *Pay & Go pay stations, or atexpress credit card exits, (b) free shuttle bus service, free luggageassistance, free plug-ins, battery boost & coat check (coat check at Valet Parkoffice on departure level), and is a security-patrolled lot. Fees:
Each half hr $2.75 $3.75
Daily max (24 hrs) $15.00 $19.00
Weekly $75.00 $95.00
Monthly $210.00 $285.00
Parkade Park - Hourly/Daily Garage Parking - within walking distanceto your gate, it is perfect for quick stops, meeting arriving passengers, orshort stays. The 4-level garage with 2,000 spaces is well-lit and securitypatrolled. For travelers who will be away for a day or a week, it features thefollowing conveniences: (a) pay in terminal at *Pay & Go pay stations or atexpress credit card exits, (b) covered walkways to the terminal, and (c) freeplug-ins on levels P3 and 4, free battery boosts and coat check (coat check atValet Park office on departure level), and free Edmonton Journal. HeightRestrictions: 2.35 meters. Fees: (for both Hourly & Daily Levels)
Easy Parkade Parking Rates
First ½ hour $4.50 $5.50(1st hour, per ½ hour)
½ hour $3.50 $4.50
Daily $25.00 $30.00
Weekly $125.00 $150.00
Executive Park Parking Rates
First ½ hour $5.00 $6.00(1st hour, per ½ hour)
½ hour $4.00 $5.00
Daily $27.00 $32.00
Weekly $135.00 $160.00
Payment Methods / Pay & Go Parking* - You can pre-payfor Value Park and Parkade by using one of the four Pay & Go parking paystations in the airport terminal. Look for the Pay & Go symbol in theterminal. Location:
Departures Level: at Door 27 in north terminal, acrossfrom the WestJet check-in area; and at Door 29 in the south terminal, acrossfrom Air Canada, Canadian North Airlines and First Air check-in area;
Arrivals Level: next to Door 5 in north terminal arrivalshall; and betw. Doors 8/9 in south arrivals hall, across from the baggagecarousels, near Canada Customs.
For a quicker exit leaving the lot, five new expressexits have been created for you when you pay by credit card or prepay with Pay& Go.
Valet Park - the closest airport parking with first-class curbsideservice if you need to park in a hurry. Simply drive up to the Valet Park standon the Departures Level. An attendant quickly registers your car and whisks itaway to a special parking area. Upon your return, Valet Park will have your carready at the curb. Amenities include free coat check, and free EdmontonJournal. For more information, call 780.890.8998 or toll-free 1.877.890.8998
Daily - $ 40.00
Weekly - $250.00
Canadian North Parking Lot Guide: The Canadian Northsurface parking lot is the ideal place to park when flying out of the ExecutiveFlight Centre. It is located adjacent to the terminal, so when you park hereyou don't need to worry about walking for a long distance with your laptop bagand luggage. The parking lot is easy to navigate and pay at. Simply pay uponexit with a credit card or at one of the Pay Stations located inside the warmterminal.
Hourly $1.75
Daily $15.00
Weekly $75.00
Monthly $275.00
QuickPark North is a surface parking lotclose to charter terminals and Edmonton Airport. The parking lot is serviced bya shuttle service that runs between parking facilities and the variousterminals at the airport. There is also a Pay Station right at the facility,making it easy for you to pay and head to your destination.
Daily $11.50
Weekly $55.00
Monthly $165.00
Rendez-vousMeeting Point is designed to make your pick up or drop off experience at Edmonton Airportas easy as possible. Pay Stations are located right at the curb. Pay quickly,and be in and out of this parking area with ease.
First 10mins $4.00
Each 5mins (thereaf) $4.00
(45mins maximum)
Disabled Parking: (a) At Parkade Park: The lot includesdesignated stalls, spacious elevators and ramps to the departures level; (b)Value Park: On arrival, the park attendant can direct you to designated parkingstalls. The complimentary shuttle bus to/from terminal has a wheelchair lift;(c) For short visits, curbside designated parking can be accessed by drivinginto the taxi queue and notifying the attendant of your request.
For More Information - call 780.890.8439 or e-mail:[email protected].
YEG Off-Airport Parking

Tips, Help & Resources
Once you have selected the best parking option for you, check out these tips that can assist you during your journey through the airport:
- Be aware of how long you might need to need to wait at the security checkpoint in your terminal.
- Need some wheels to cart around all of your checked luggage? The airport provides assistance (and saves you effort). Baggage carts are located near the baggage carousels.
- If you have some time before your flight departs YEG, get a coffee, have a sit-down meal, or walk the shops within the terminals. You never know what treat or souvenir you might discover!
- Waiting for a passenger to arrive? To see where the plane is and which terminal it will deplane, use the flight tracker.
Find more help here for your journey through the airport